Kamis, 01 Agustus 2013

Autodesk VRED Pro 2014 SP2

Autodesk VRED Pro 2014 SP2
English | Autodesk VRED Pro 2014 SP2 | 1.02 Gb

RED Professional - Software package for Virtual Reality and Virtual Prototyping. Do all components match? Does the material show the expected characteristics? Is the model fully functional? Autodesk VRED Professional is the software for all those person who perform at a degree of perfection. The software allows fast and efficient workflows in different phases of product development as well as in virtual prototyping Engineers and designers work in different, highly specialized subject areas. VRED Professional is the right tool to meet all the different requirements. This way different departments can work on a photorealistically visualized prototyped which can also be used in Marketing and Sales.




Kredit To : Heroturko
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